Opportunities to Study Abroad

Trinity Prep Study Abroad

Trinity Prep Offers Opportunities to Study Abroad to High School Students

Studying abroad may seem like a collegiate dream for many driven students. But for Trinity Prep Saints, studying abroad opportunities are accessible well before college. We believe in equipping students with a global learning experience during their most formative years. Our students have the chance to travel the world on one of many exciting trips guided by our faculty and teachers. 

Why Students Should Study Abroad

Break out of their comfort zones

Students learn the best in uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations. In their daily lives, they know how to respond or act with people and their surroundings. However, being in a new place with completely different people and unique values can force students to develop new responses. Stripping the familiar away can be scary, but our study-abroad students often return more independent than before they left. They’re able to thrive in the “unfamiliar,” and they’re no longer afraid to dive headfirst into challenges. 

Challenge themselves academically

Studying abroad gives students a leg up in school. Why? Because students have to push themselves to use their fullest knowledge of a country and the world around them. Take language, for example. Studying abroad challenges students to learn a second or third language to communicate. Language learning is one of the best ways students can challenge their minds, as it uses multiple parts of the brain to process and speak that new language. Studying abroad also helps students connect history, the humanities and geography to real-world experiences and situations, giving them a better understanding than if they’d read it in a textbook. 

Thrive in rich cultural environments

Cultural sensitivity is key in an increasingly globalized world. Assumptions about cultures only hinder development and communication. By studying abroad, students can learn that whatever preconceived notions they had about a place are far more different than they originally believed. Being aware of cultural norms and values can help us better understand the international issues around us. Cultural sensitivity boosts communication on both a personal level and a business/academic level. 

Unlock resilience within themselves

Traveling through a new country (especially if you don’t speak the language) can be tricky. As students conquer obstacles like figuring out how to use public transit in a foreign country, or asking for simple things in a grocery store, they build confidence and ability to adapt in foreign situations.

Develop compassion that lasts a lifetime

High school students are still figuring out who they are in the scheme of everything. By investing in study-abroad opportunities at a younger age, they’re able to establish compassion for other cultures earlier than most of their peers. 

At Trinity Prep, we give our students every opportunity to study abroad in an area that they want to explore. From photo documentary workshops in Southeast Asia to exploring the biology found in Fiji’s beaches, there’s no horizon we won’t chase. The only question left for new students is “where do you want to go?” 

Interested in what study-abroad opportunities we have coming up? Click here to see updated offerings: Where We’re Going Next