The STEM Experience at Trinity Prep
STEM Courses
Trinity Prep is designed to expose students at all levels to a wide range of STEM options. Starting in the sixth grade Trinity Prep students interested in the STEM path are introduced to a design and coding course and can move on to robotics, programming, or multimedia courses. Throughout their time at Trinity Prep, students are challenged with either AP mathematics, AP sciences, AP Computer Science, Film Production, or Robotics. Whatever path students are interested in taking, Trinity Prep is here to guide them to success. You can learn more about the different types of courses on the upper school or middle school curriculum guides.
Fundamentals of Innovation and Design is a course to middle schoolers and lays the foundation for future computer science coursework at Trinity Prep. It will also help each student develop a mental framework to apply practical and creative skills to solve design problems across all departments in mathematics, sciences, arts, and humanities. Students explore coding applications and apply that knowledge to robotics. Now that all sixth grade students will utilize their own devices, not only are the educational possibilities unlimited, but there are also new responsibilities. Therefore, digital literacy will be an essential component of this course.
Extracurricular STEM
Trinity Prep also offers opportunities for students to take their science, technology, and mathematical interests beyond the classroom. Our students excel in robotics and competitive programming competitions. Middle and upper school students participate in the Science Olympiad team and individual competitions, and our students have succeeded at local, regional, and national science fairs. In our highest level math courses, Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, students have collaborated as a group outside the classroom to compete in the Mathworks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge. Trinity Prep also works to form partnerships with local corporations and hospitals. Through internships and field trips, students can see professional opportunities that grow out of their STEM course work.

STEM Professionals/Visitors
Our faculty regularly invite guest lecturers into the classroom to teach our students beyond the classroom. In past years, we had Dr. John French of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University talk to our Earth Science class about the dangers of space flight and whether we can engineer them away. We've also had the Fleet Farming group to campus to talk to students about the importance of installing impactful food gardens.
Future of STEM
Trinity Prep has a rich lab curriculum for grades 6-12. Our science courses emphasize innovation and design thinking and enhanced creativity in the lab, allowing the students to generate their own labs and experiments. Students have the opportunity to take a wide range of advanced math classes including Multivariable Calculus, Advanced Linear Algebra, and AP Calculus. Local engineers regularly coach our students in the robotics lab, helping them to compete in FTR and FTC competitions across the country.